Nicole G Loves to play soccer and dance

Anxiety Has Not Sidelined Nicole

nicole in front of birthday cake

Nicole Genovese was born in November of 2004. She was a healthy strong 9 pound baby. Nicole was very familiar with the staff at Children’s Specialized Hospital since her brother and sister were receiving therapy services 3 times a week. They always made Nicole feel a part of their therapy sessions and gave her that extra attention to feel special.

In 2010 Nicole was struggling with the outcome of her parents’ divorce and moving to a new home. Just as the family settled into to a new life and home - three months later Hurricane Sandy destroyed what they had worked so hard to establish.

Nicole began to show signs of anxiety and was having trouble sleeping. Her mother Deirdre immediately made an appointment with the experts at Children’s Specialized Hospital for an evaluation. Nicole was diagnosed with anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder.

A combination of medication and art therapy, Nicole is really making great strides. She is energetic, sociable, loves to play soccer and is in dancing school.